Sunday, 7 April 2013

Nominate the Afternoon Tea Club for a Company #StyleBlogger2013 Award

Nominate Us!

Whether you've just found  The Afternoon Tea Club or have been following for a while now, we’d be thrilled if you could nominate us as 'Best Blogging Duo' for the Company Style Awards 2013. Being new to the whole competative blogging scene, we're not exactly sure what to expect, but if the site's lucky enough to be short listed then we'll be sure to report back with what happens next.

If you'd like to support us, simply visit the Company website HERE and fill in a short form, including our URL when prompted. (

Thank you so much for all of your support - we can't wait to welcome you back to the site soon!


Laura and Caroline


1 comment

  1. Thanks for voting - we'll go and check out your blog now! :) x


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