Thursday, 14 August 2014

The Afternoon Tea Club visits Bavaria

Last month, Caroline travelled to Austria to eat cake amongst the mountains. Read about her top finds here

Chocolate Cake

Birth place of Mozart and home of the Sound of Music, Salzburg is rich with cultural history. However, did you realise that they also have a pretty good reputation when it comes to cake? For example did you know that the city is home of the famous Sacher Hotel and its eponymous chocolate cake? No me neither. For some reason, I'd always thought that it came from France, which is why I'm sorry to say that I somehow managed to completely miss the hotel until my last night - as you do - so didn't get to sample the Sacher cake in all it's glory.

However, I'm sure that my Austrian chocolate cake pictured above was just as nice!


When in Bavaria, it's almost a sin not to try some of the region's famous Apple Strudel. So in the interest of upholding tradition, I couldn't leave without sampling some for myself. Now, in Salzburg, strudel is fairly easy to come across, with every coffee shop having about three varieties in stock. During my visit, I tried out two of these varieties - traditional apple and the slightly more unusual vanilla cheese option. Out of the two, my fave was definitely the apple, although the cheese was delicious, perhaps just a little too rich for my taste.

There was a whole lot of other sweet treats but these were just a couple of my highlights. Where are you heading off to this summer? Let us know in the comments below :)

Don't forget that it's #AfternoonTeaWeek all this week, so why not join in the conversation at @TeacupReview and tweet us your afternoon tea pics. We can't wait to see you over there.




  1. That strudel looks delicious! I've always wanted to visit Austria :)

    Sarah | Sequin This

    1. It's incredible - definitely worth experiencing once in a lifetime!


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